Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Going "Home"

Going to Washington in the summer has always been something I look forward to!  I love my family more than anything and I enjoy being able to spend some quality time with each of them.  The memories, chats, events, and spontaneous adventures is something that I will cherish forever and I hope that the babies look forward to it just as much as I do.  I love spending time with my family, but I especially love spending time with these two cuties!  Jackson and Jessi are a slice of heaven and I am so blessed to have them as my nephew and niece.  They are sweet, fun, goofy, silly, crazy, and all around the best kiddos in the world. 
Jackson and his doggy Max

Jackson is a pro riding his gator.  I can't believe how well he can navigate it and he is not even 3 yet!  He will be driving farm tractors soon!

Jackson playing in his sand box with Indy.  They became instant friends!

I got to watch Jessi over night while Melissa and Carl spent the night away for her birthday.  I went to check on Jessi and this is what I found!  She is so sweet and precious.  Sleeping beauty for sure!

Jessi eyeing the cupcakes!  She at several of them, or at least the frosting.

Melissa and Jessi doing a dance. 

Kristie and her favorite little man!

Jessi and Jackson.... best friends forever!

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