Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Gender Reveal-Washington

On June 8th, I flew to Washington with Bret following closely behind, to share the news with my family!  I am SO blessed with the most amazing, supportive family a girl could ask for.  Even though I have lived away from "home" for about 7 years (I can't believe its been that long) they still treat me as if I have never moved away!  They are amazing and I am so blessed!  It was VERY difficult for me not to share the most exciting news with my family when I arrived on Saturday evening but I knew that Sunday was going to be a great day!  All of my mom's side of the family was there along with a few of my friends and it was the BEST!  My favorite cousin Katie made the most DELICIOUS cupcakes and she filled them with PINK and BLUE frosting.  It was perfect. 
My amazing family in my mom's new house!  It is a beauty!  She has worked so hard on her house and made it to be such a warm, welcoming, inviting HOME!

My amazing sister Melissa and my sweet niece Jessi

We had a wonderful taco dinner!  Thanks to everyone for bringing something to enjoy!

All the pregnant "Wagter" girls.  Kristie Due November 8, Taryn due December 1 and I am due October 25.  Kristie is waiting to find out her genders but Taryn is having a little girl.
Jessi LOVED the cupcakes!

Everyone wrote down their gender guesses. 

What a cutie!

The BEST cupcakes in the world!  Thanks Katie!  Everyone LOVED them!

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