Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Gender Reveal-Kansas City

June 7th was one of the best days of my life!  I found out that I was having a little boy and a little girl.  We have a fun gender reveal party with a lot of our friends and Bret's family in Kansas City.  We had dinner and then made the reveal with cupcakes.  I had a doctor appointment on Monday, June 3rd and the doctor wrote down the genders and sealed them up in an envelope.  After the appointment, Bret and I went over to my dear friend Tiffany's house and handed her the envelope.  She went to the local cupcake place and had 2 of the best cupcakes I have ever eaten made.  They were white cupcakes with white frosting and they were amazing.  Then she brought them to the party on Friday night!  I was so nervous all week to know the genders, but did not care either way, just as long as they are healthy!

Bret and I each just grabbed a random cupcake and the sweet part was that I bit into the cupcake filled with blue frosting and Bret bit into the cupcake that was filled with pink frosting!  I did a lot of screaming while my mouth was FILLED with cupcake and frosting!  It was one of the sweetest moments of my life.  I am still in shock we are having TWINS let alone a little boy and a little girl!

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