Thursday, August 22, 2013

First Day of School

Well, I can't believe I am actaully typing this!  This is my 8th first day of teaching picture!  It is hard for me to believe that I have been teaching for that long but every year it is so amazing.  I love my job and there is nothing that I would rather do!  It is so much fun and the best part is that every year I get to start over again.  I get a new group of kiddos and build relationships that are unforgettable.  I am so blessed.  I have had over 200 kiddos who have impacted my life in more ways that they will ever know.  It is just a rewarding job to say the least. times.  Hard...very.  Fun....always!  This year is going to be a little different because I will be taking some time off to stay home with my own babies, but I will think about this new group of kiddos every day!

Here is a picture of me on my first day of school.  Thanks for the outfit mom!  I love it!
I had to include Bret too!

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