Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Victor, Montana

After leaving Washington State, Bret and I drove back to Kansas City with our two dogs.  Some VERY special people invited us to stay in their "Love Shack" for 2 nights.  Ed, Linda, and Mason are so sweet, kind, generous, and OH SO FUN!  We LOVE going to visit them in Montana.  They have a LOVELY house, a guest cabin ("Love Shack") and a saloon.  They have a large open field where our dogs and their dog Rosie could run and play all day long.
This is sweet Mason down by the river that runs through their property.

This is Mason and me.  I have known Mason for several years and have watched her grow into a beautiful young lady.  I was Mason's Kindergarten teacher when I taught in Arizona and we have always shared a speical bond and friendship.  LOVE this girl!

Mason and her dog Rosie.
Bret and Newfie playing in the water!
Thank you Voss family for the wonderful time and the great little get away!  We are already looking forward to next year.  Put us on the calendar!

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